Thursday, 23 April 2015

Summer Vacation: Fun with Education

Summer vacation is the very loving time of toddlers. "No school, less studying and more of play". But always think of that during this long gap of summer vacation if the kids are involve in some fruitful way of enjoying the summer holidays, they will learn something new.
Each child is unique and a different individual than the other one. So the most important thing to know what is interests a particular child. It could be art, games, traveling etc. As in a school, all children learn the same curriculum as the other. The summer vacation is the best time to know their skills, which in the future will help them stand out as different and versatile individuals. There are numerous activities from which one can pick and choose depending upon their age and interests.

Water Games:

Summer is the right time for water games and we can let our kids indulge in such games as much as they want without the fear of health consequences. An inflatable pool (or a baby pool) is a great pastime for kids. We can let them play games like catch and Frisbee in the inflatable pool.

Creative Activities:

There are a number of creative activities where we can involve our kids during summer time. These activities not only help our kids in passing time and having fun but also compel them to use their mental abilities. This improves the creativity and thinking ability of our child. The advantage of these types of activities is that they require minimum investment and they can be done within the confines of our home where you can keep a close eye on our kids. Some of the activities that our kids can participate are-


A child could make a craft each day which could help them to explore their creative sight. Craft material and art books and guides are available at most stationary stores and on the internet. by which they can decorate their room as well.


Ask them to make a scrap book of everything they do this summer. This not only hones our child's creative skills but also evolves their thought processes and finally becomes a lover memoir of his/her young days.

Reading books

This is a great habit but parents face a problem with young children here. The problem is that children are bored with reading in school. To initiate them into this habit, ask them to compare a book and the movie adapted from it. This makes reading a fun activity.


This is seen to make children realize the importance of trees and other flora, giving them a personal introduction to the beauty in nature, while making them appreciate the environment.

Perspective drawing:

Ask our kids to draw their own home. This again does well to their thought processes.  

Camping Trips:

Hike to some place with our kid and camp there, along with this you can teach them how to click photographs how to behave away from home or school. They learn a lot of nature or that particular place where we plan camp. This is good training for your child's observation and travel skills.

Zoo visit:

If kids haven't visited a zoo take them to one in city. It again expands their horizon by allowing them to observe other species in nature.

School is out and summer is here. Our kids will want to be outside soaking up the sun and fresh air. These activity that we can do with our preschool-aged child to reinforce skills. There are many ways to incorporate what our child is learning day-to-day life in fun activities. Make the whole world your child’s classroom and each lesson exciting. Before or after the activity it is a good idea to let the child explore their own. This will encourage independence and creativity and will allow the child to relax and focus for the academic portion of the activity.

Young Kids typically prefer to take care of themselves and spend time with their own group of friends, these young kids easily get bored with so much free time on their hands. Consequently, they end up causing trouble either for the parents or themselves in some way or the other. To ensure that they are occupied, here is a compilation of the popular summertime activities with learning for kids.

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